What We Do

Okulaba means „To See“

Once you see, you know, once you know, you want to help…

Our Mission

Our Mission is to support local educational development so that people can enhance their lives and their communities. We aim at making education more affordable and more accessible in developing countries. It should be the preferred alternative in the equation work vs. education.

We achieve our mission by actively supporting projects that are already under way, initiated my local entrepreneurs and activists. This way we use local knowledge to secure that the help is needed, appropriate and appreciated. Learn more about the Okulaba vision, mission and values.

Poverty is not an abstract concept…

Poverty and lack of education is real for the majority in developing contries like Uganda. When expressed in numbers it means that 42% of the population live on approx. $2 a day (World Bank, 2017), life expectancy is at 64 years compared to 81 in Germany. But numbers don‘t do the hard reality justice where life means a daily fight to put food on the table. After fighting hunger, education is of mayor long-term importance.

The median age of Ugandans is 16 years (Germany 48 years), Ugandan mothers on average have 5.5 children, one of the highest fertility rates in the world (Germany 1.6). Children are often used as farm workers, many do not go to school. Sending a child to school means losing a worker and incurs cost for school fees, uniforms and books.

At the same time going to school, learning to read and write and calculate, is the only chance of securing one of the thought-after better jobs as a shop attendant or clerk. In this dilemma - loosing a worker against the dim hope of securing a better job - many families opt for the short term solution and keep children in work, to provide food for the family.

Okulaba e.V.

Okulaba e.V. was founded in 2022 by Sophie Kamama, Frank Busch (board) and five additional founding members. Okulaba e.V. was registred at Amtsgericht München and non-profit charity status was granted by the financial authorities. Donations are tax deductable.

Please support our work by donating or helping in any other way that you can.