School child okulaba support

Supporting and Enabling People in Need

We accelerate local educational development projects that are already under way

When people take responsibility in a good cause like building a school, but run into difficulties, we step up to support. Become part of a community where we don’t wait for others to take action. Our projects are small but make a big difference to communities in developing countries.

Turn Sunshine into Learning - Empower Education

Our current donation campaign

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IBAN: DE61 7009 3200 0002 6983 66

See. Feel. Think. Act.

About our projects

Our first project is the Good Shepard Elementary School in the Mubende District, about four hours north of Kampala, the capital of Uganda. This project was started by Agnes…

Okulaba e.V.

Find out about more about Okulaba e.V., the name, our mission, and how we support projects for people in need.

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